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I medici cantano Imagine di John Lennon. E il video diventa virale

Carlo Antini
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Impegnati in prima linea nel reparto di Ortopedia della Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Elvis Francois e William Robinson sono anche due amanti della musica che hanno messo la loro passione al servizio della lotta al coronavirus.  Per approfondire leggi anche: Dalla moda un aiuto agli ospedali La loro versione di "Imagine" di John Lennon è diventata virale e il successo li ha portati a pubblicare un Ep di beneficenza composto da quattro canzoni e intitolato "Music is Medicine".  Visualizza questo post su Instagram Imagine all the people... —- In life, there are so many things that divide us. Religion, race, politics, social status and many more....But today a global pandemic brings us all together as one. —- Over the next few months our health care system will be tested. Many lives will be lost. Health care providers will be under an incredible amount of stress to save thousands of people. But when times are as dark as they are today, nothing shines brighter than the human spirit. —- There is something beautiful about a collective struggle. And the beauty in what we are facing today is that the only way to overcome this pandemic is for us to all come together as one.... —- Nurses, doctors, students, research scientists, politicians, Uber eats drivers, cashiers, factory workers etc.....Getting through this will be hard but one thing is certain...the only way we will get through it is together, as one —- — —- “You might say that I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope some day that you will join us...and the world will live as one....” —- —- —- Full song on IGTV —- —- —- Thankful for my brother @w_a_robinson on the piano — @kpace1914 — — — Much love to all 7.53 billion people out there, Doctor Elvis —- #covid_19 #healthcareworkers #imagine Un post condiviso da Doctor Elvis (@doctor.elvis.francois) in data: 23 Mar 2020 alle ore 1:08 PDT

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